Painless Delivery

Tokyo Mother’s Clinic provide not only a painless delivery using epidural anesthesia, but we provide you a “better painless delivery” by considering what would be better for the birthing mother.

Features of Painless Delivery at Tokyo Mother’s Clinic

We provide safe and high quality painless delivery by well-experienced doctors on anesthesia. A delivery without pain will make the memorable moment all the more a happier one for the family.


  • We will provide sufficient explanation during your pregnancy period on the anesthesia used in our painless delivery,so that you would feel safe without any worries on the day of the delivery.
  • The anesthesia will be given at an early stage of delivery, so you will be able to save your strength and stay comfortable.
  • Painless delivery gives your baby smaller stress.
  • We can make a quick switch to anesthesia for operation in case a C-section is required.


Fee for Hospital Stay and Delivery

* Details of fee for hospital stay and delivery, click here.

* Please contact us for more details.

Contact Us

TEL : +81-(0)3-3426-1131 FAX : +81-(0)3-3426-1170

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Fee for Hospital Stay and Delivery

The fee on painless delivery from the start of hospital stay, delivery, and leaving hospital is summarized as below.

Painless Delivery

Painless delivery using epidural is described here.

Hospital Stay

When to come, what to bring, how things will proceed during the stay is discussed here.

Lactation Services for Outpatients

We provide lactation counseling for mothers and babies after their return home from our clinic.

If You Live Outside Japan

We accept delivery of overseas residents.

Contact Us



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4-5-1 Kamiyouga, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, 158-0098, Japan

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